Old Man at Thirty: The Reality of Sports and Life

  One talking head sports media personality said that Tom Brady’s brand is age defiance. We will see how well that works when Brady dies, like the rest of us. “Tom vs. Time.” I wonder who’s going to win that battle? Click Here! In real life, being in your mid-thirties means you are still a…

NBA Basketball: The three-point cult

There is this weird push and pull between the young and the old. Not necessarily straight down the line. It is not necessarily, all old people vs. all younger people. But the divide between those who think that EVERYTHING old is bad, and those who think EVERYTHING new is bad, does exist. I heard a…

4 reasons the 2016 Warriors would lose to the 1996 Bulls (and 2 reasons they would win)

Once the 2015-16 Warriors lost to Cleveland in the NBA Finals, diehard fans were forced to unfog their glasses. That Golden State team was NOT the best in history.  They did not win the title. Even the qualifier “best regular season team” is not definitive, because of the difference in era gameplay. But most importantly, the…