DeBrie’s Alexandr: Vampire Hunter, page 16

You are now seeing the syndicated version of Chris DeBrie’s Alexandr comic book. Be sure to catch more Alex on his homepage, at the mean pimento site. PAGE 15 PAGE 17 page 1  page 2   page 3  page 4  page 5  page 6   page 7   page 8   page 9   page 10   page 11   page 12   page 13   page…

Negro! Negro!: Siomai and Friends Fries [chp 1]

I was (am) an American of African descent, a visitor to the Philippines, Cebu area, such as Toledo City. The Philippines as a nation is famous for friendly people. When I arrived, I found out that the hospitality was more than just a rumor, and mostly genuine. Even in the United States, where skin color…

Sid Sanford Lives! by Daniel Ford

Literary Fiction Date Published:  9/18/2017 Publisher: 50/50 Press Sid Sanford always follows a path, just not his own. From backyard Wiffle ball games to New York City skyscrapers, Sid finds triumph and pain in equal measure during his uncertain, and at times violent, thrust into manhood. A colorful, loyal family, a plethora of eccentric friends,…

Eli Manning, Properly Rated and Calibrated

Why do we act as if Eli Manning has been getting away with something? For some reason, sports media are smug when discussing the New York Giant quarterback. They want to point out that Manning’s play has declined, and was never that great in the first place. Pricking Eli Manning’s good-not-great QB career is not…

Forgotten Warriors by D. Ralph Young

  History Date Published: May 2016 Publisher: Dog Ear Publishing Forgotten Warriors is the story of the aphibious march across the Pacific from the Aleutians to Okinawa from the experiences of shipmates aboard the USS J. Franklin Bell which includes the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and the following battles: The Aleutian Campaign (Adak, Attu…

Hayden the Perfect Hedgehog by Arla Jayne

Children’s Book Date Published: 6/5/17 Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing Hayden has always lived in Tiny Yard with his mom. He has never met anyone different. Come along with Hayden the Perfect Hedgehog on this first adventure away from home and witness how differences should be handled. About the Author Arla worked in corporate America for…

Check your tandems | Trucker Logs: Slip seat

Part memoir, part tall tale, part instructional manual: Chris DeBrie’s “Check Your Tandems” is from the perspective of a truck driver as he moves from newbie “greenhorn” to seasoned professional. What is “slip seat trucking”? It is for the tractor trailer driver who does not own a truck. This variety of driver is known as a…