Time Travel vs. Upgrade: NBA comparisons across era

A topic that keeps rising among NBA fanatics, is comparing players from different decades/eras. I tend to look down on the common way of doing this, which is the “time travel” comparison: For instance, taking a 1980s NBA player and air-dropping him into the present. Or, vice versa. “Past NBA players wouldn’t do very well…

“First to ever do it!”: Stat Padding, Analytics Nerds, Distracted Fanatics

What is the big deal with sports statistics? You’re obsessed with these numbers. At times, you are more impressed with stats than the actual games and athletes. Some fans grow weary of seeing those memes and TV graphics which inform us of “the first so-and-so to do such-and-such.” When someone who simply wants to watch…

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Dismantling Jordan, Part III: The LeBron v. MJ playground pick ’em

Young people who didn’t see Michael Jordan play in real-time, and older people who DID see Jordan play but despised him, and therefore couldn’t properly absorb what they were seeing, only need to understand one thing: Jordan was never not the best thing on the court. It’s pretty simple. Regular season, playoffs: He never was…

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Triple-double trouble and bubbleheaded kerfuffle: NBA statistics

An ESPN media personality, on his April 24th, 2018 podcast, backpats Russell Westbrook for averaging triple doubles the last two regular seasons. Basically: “A trip-dub is a trip-dub. Period.”… Ten seconds later about Utah Jazz guard Ricky Rubio’s triple double vs. Oklahoma City in round 1, game 3, ESPN host says: “Well… Rubio went 2-9…

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Old Man at Thirty: The Reality of Sports and Life

  One talking head sports media personality said that Tom Brady’s brand is age defiance. We will see how well that works when Brady dies, like the rest of us. “Tom vs. Time.” I wonder who’s going to win that battle? Click Here! In real life, being in your mid-thirties means you are still a…