Defensive elbow tap: NBA tactics

The defensive elbow tap to disrupt a jump shot… classic “They do that in today’s game… Foul,” said one NBA fan. and, should it be? Is that a foul? or just slick gamesmanship? adjust for era? Comparing past and present NBA players Maybe in today’s game, the shooter would have flung himself into the courtside seats….

Scene (x) Scene: Please Forward My Mail, chapter 2

Anthony “Fergie” Ferguson is a loner, a porn addict, a video game aficiondado, and a stalker. In other words, Fergie is pretty much an average all-American young man. Writer Chris DeBrie’s “Please Forward My Mail” is a novel in serial form, written scene by scene. Click here 2. She ended up sitting next to him…

Scene (x) Scene: Please Forward My Mail, chapter 1

Anthony “Fergie” Ferguson is a loner, a porn addict, a video game aficiondado, and a stalker. In other words, Fergie is pretty much an average all-American young man. Writer Chris DeBrie’s “Please Forward My Mail” is a novel in serial form, written scene by scene. Click here Fergie was sitting in the car with the…