DeBrie’s Alexandr, Vampire Hunter: Page 10

You are now seeing the syndicated version of Chris DeBrie’s Alexandr comic book. Be sure to catch more Alex on his homepage, at the mean pimento site. PAGE 9 PAGE 11 sick of all the vampire love? SO IS HE. page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page…

Cam and Ma’am Gams: What did you expect?

Early in the 2017 NFL season, Cam Newton insulted a female sports journalist. The blow back once again proves that some of us feed on hurt feelings. Now, we understand that both major and social media thrive on this stuff. The hunt for content is not about stealth. Few pretend that a true sense of…

DeBrie’s Alexandr, Vampire Hunter: Page 8

You are now seeing the syndicated version of Chris DeBrie’s Alexandr comic book. Be sure to catch more Alex on his homepage, at the mean pimento site. page 1  page 2   page 3  page 4  page 5  page 6   page 7   page 8   page 9   page 10   page 11   page 12   page 13   page 14   page…

UnOfficial Endorsements: Bring back the Washington Bullets

Three reasons to switch the “Washington Wizards” back to the “Washington Bullets”: The switch was based on a false piety in the first place. Reportedly, team owner Abe Pollin was convicted to change the mascot back when a friend was shot and murdered, after pondering the issue for a few years prior. This switch was not…

Keep A Brother Down: Holding Athletes in College Won’t Improve Basketball

The lie of assuming that keeping basketball players in college for one, two, or more years will improve the game is rising again. Why do well-meaning people, most of them considered sports “experts”, believe that the NBA and college basketball would benefit from such a rule? The common reasons: young players would have more time…

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